Chatfield Stables, Inc. Consumer Complaint
Posting for a friend.
Misrepresentation of policy
Chatfield Stables
11500 N Roxborough Park Rd Littleton, CO 80125
(303) 933-3636 Read more
Deceptive car dealer advertising tactic
It’s a wonder how anyone can stand to buy a new car from some of these sleazy automobile dealerships. In scanning the car dealer advertisements in the paper for the last few weeks, I noticed what could be a new deceptive tactic to bring in customers. On the other hand, maybe I am a little late to the game in noticing this unethical practice. Read more
Google suing "Google Money" scammers
Google posted an entry in its blog that it had filed suit this week against Pacific WebWorks and several other unnamed defendants. Google has an issue with its name and logo being used in advertisements such as “Use Google to make 1000s of Dollars!” and “Easy Cash with Google: You could be Making up to $978 a Day Working from home!” Google states that it hasn’t created or endorsed any of the sites like those described in their complaint. In its blog, Google said, “thousands of people have been tricked into sending payment information and being charged hidden fees by questionable operations.” Read more
Senate Commitee investigates aggressive Internet sales tactics
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, chaired by Senator Jay Rockefeller, is conducting a hearing into customers unwittingly being duped into joining online loyalty programs when making a purchase. According to Senator Rockefeller, companies like Affinion, Vertrue, and Webloyalty “have made more than $1.4 billion dollars through these tactics and charged more than 30 million Americans.” Rockefeller estimates that 4 million American consumers are currently having their credit cards billed for these loyalty programs and most are unaware of it. Read more