Review: Verizon Wireless Network Extender
Having recently purchased a vacation home in the mountains, we found that we received one bar or less of signal strength from our Verizon Wireless phones. We needed a solution. Read more
Fees waived at all National Parks during National Parks Week
From April 17th through April 25th, entrance fees will be waived at all National Parks in honor of National Parks Week. These fees normally run as high as $25 per car! In addition, some park concessionaires are offering special promotions during National Parks Week. Click here for a list of participating concessionaires. Read more
Deceptive car dealer advertising tactic
It’s a wonder how anyone can stand to buy a new car from some of these sleazy automobile dealerships. In scanning the car dealer advertisements in the paper for the last few weeks, I noticed what could be a new deceptive tactic to bring in customers. On the other hand, maybe I am a little late to the game in noticing this unethical practice. Read more
AMA endorses $940 billion health care reform bill
In a slap to the face to the opponents of the $940 billion health care reform bill, the American Medical Association endorsed the legislation “as a step toward providing coverage to all Americans and improving our nation’s health system.”
J. James Rohack, M.D., AMA president, stated, “While the final product is certainly not what we would have devised, we strongly support the parts of this bill that are desperately needed by millions of Americans who are struggling to get or keep health insurance coverage.” Read more
Free Sample of Crest 3D Whitestrips
Walmart is offering a free sample of Crest 3D Whitestrips by simply filling out this form. The Subscribe to the Walmart Wire box is deselected by default and I would keep it that way if I were you. I personally can’t stand Walmart, but this is a chance to get a valuable sample for free. If you like the Crest 3D Whitestrips, you can buy them from Amazon with free shipping without sacrificing your personal integrity.