The Advantages of Denver Pet Sitting
For those who live in the Denver area, finding someone who can watch over your home, pets or even the people who live there while you’re away can be trying. While pet kennels and day care centers can watch over your pets and those you take care of, the time, trouble and expense can certainly add up. Not to mention that your house sits empty and more vulnerable to burglary. Read more
Aspen might get his 15 minutes of fame
I uploaded the video of Aspen playing in the snow to CNN’s iReport. I was contacted by a CNN producer to ask some questions and get permission to possibly use Aspen’s video on TV. The video has now been officially vetted and approved for possible use on TV.
Now if I can only keep all this from going to Aspen’s head.
Aspen enjoying the snow
It’s been snowing hard in the Denver area for the past couple days. Aspen, our 4 month old minature American Eskimo puppy, had a great time playing in the snow. Please check out the video.
Aspen – A furry bundle of joy!
I adopted Aspen almost two months ago. Aspen is a miniature American Eskimo puppy. He was about two months old and weighed almost six pounds.
Aspen’s weight has more than doubled since I adopted him. The vet estimates that he will weigh between 20 and 25 pounds when full grown.