Amazon: E-books outsell physical books for the first time ever

December 28, 2009 · Posted in Commentary · Comment 

Amazon reported that, for the first time ever, e-books outsold physical books.  This milestone occurred on Christmas Day, more than likely due to people who received Kindles for Christmas.  Amazon’s Kindle Store now stocks over 390,000 e-books.  Amazon also stated that the Kindle became the most gifted item in their history.  Read more

Amazon to give away free Holiday MP3s for the next 25 days

December 1, 2009 · Posted in Freebies · Comment 

An early Holiday gift from Amazon.  Starting today, Amazon will be giving away a free Holiday MP3 every day through Christmas.  There is no catch to this deal other than you need to be a registered Amazon customer.  All their MP3s are DRM-free too. 

Click here to take advantage of this free offer.

Get free e-books for your Kindle

November 27, 2009 · Posted in Freebies · 3 Comments 

Do you own a Kindle, or are you thinking about buying one?  Is the high cost of books for your Kindle causing you stress?  Believe it or not, there are thousands of free books out there for the Kindle.  One of the best sources for free books is Amazon itself.  As of this writing, Amazon has almost 20,000 free books that are in the public domain.  There are also about 80 or so free books that aren’t in the public domain. Read more

Free $3 MP3 credit from Amazon

November 23, 2009 · Posted in Freebies · Comment 

Amazon is offering a free $3 MP3 credit for use in its MP3 Store with coupon code MP34FREE.  The credit must be used by November 30th and applies to the first million redemptions, so act fast.  Since most of Amazon’s MP3s cost around $1 each, they are essentially giving you 3 free songs.  When checking out, apply the coupon code to get your free songs.

Happy Holidays!

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