Fitness Training Session 9: Cardiovascular workout

January 21, 2011 · Posted in Commentary 

FitnessI am now officially through 75% of my scheduled personal training sessions with Little Miss Sunshine.  In order to help prepare me for the 2011 Fight For Air Climb next month, we concentrated on cardiovascular exercise today.

Prior to any exercises, my weight and body fat composition were measured.  You might recall that I had lost 4 pounds as of Wednesday.  I could tell from looking at my belly this morning that I was retaining fluid.  That happens sometimes with me.  The scale showed that I had gained back all 4 pounds in the last two days, but I know that based on my diet, that this was not fat.  My body fat was at 17.3%, which is a drop of 1%, but short of the 15.3% goal.  Based on my current bloat, I don’t believe these numbers to be accurate.

We started with the treadmill today as a warm up.  Not only did I use the treadmill facing forward, but also sidestepped it switching sides.  I had done this previously and the sidestepping was awkward.  I definitely had it down this time around.  I was also able to jog in place with my feet planted on two balancing pods without slipping off.  This is another example demonstrating that my balance and coordination has improved since I started the program.  Rocking back and forth with my hands on an inverted balancing pod in a push up position was added for the first time today.  I did very well on that exercise.

Three times during my session with Little Miss Sunshine, I was taken to the “bat cave” to run stairs.  The point of this exercise is not only to help me train for next month’s stepathon, but also to build up my overall endurance.    I reassured my esteemed trainer that the redheaded temptress and I would also be doing some stair climbing this weekend to prepare for the upcoming event. 

Next Monday, I will be making a decision on whether to continue the training, and if I do, the frequency of the sessions.

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