Fitness Training Session 5: Total body workout

January 12, 2011 · Posted in Commentary 


Due to an early morning phone conversation with the redheaded temptress mentioned in my previous post, I arrived for my 6am appointment with Little Miss Sunshine with two minutes to spare.  I was able to get a bit of stretching in before the training session, however.

I was informed by my esteemed mentor that we would be doing a total body workout today.  We started the session with me doing push ups on an inverted balancing pod.  Prior to doing the actual push up, I was to bring my knees into my abdominal area, one leg at a time.   Next on the agenda were squats with my feet on balancing discs.  At first, I was having enough trouble balancing that I could barely do one squat.  I did do better as time went by.  We followed that up with some quality time on the Exercycle with Little Miss Sunshine alternately turning the resistance up and down.  We also worked with an upper body exercise machine, as well as a squat machine.

At some point during our workout, I told Little Miss Sunshine that the redheaded temptress had talked me into participating in the 2011 Fight For Air Climb.  This fundraiser involves climbing 56 flights of stairs for charity.  Why the hell did I open my big mouth?  Now Little Miss Sunshine has me running up and down stairs.  Gr-r-r-r-r-r-r…  OK, as much as I hated this part of the session, my trainer had my best interest in mind.  We ran through everything one more time, then headed to the stretching area.  As has been the case in previous sessions, I became less awkward when it came time to repeat the exercises. 

So let me bring the redheaded temptress into the mix here.  Not only has she enlisted me in two physically exerting events, she tempted me with dessert after a rich Italian meal last night.  Since I have a commitment to the end results of the 12 training sessions, I let Little Miss Sunshine know that I would cut calories today to compensate for the she-devil leading me on the road to perdition last night at the Italian restaurant.

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