Kiva-Why I loaned Alice $25

November 17, 2009 · Posted in Commentary · Comment 

I made my first loan of $25 to an entrepreneur through Kiva in September, 2007.  Someone on an online forum talked about having lent money through Kiva.  Intrigued, I asked him for more information and received an invite to join Kiva through email.  Upon doing some research, I found that Kiva gave small loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world.  The overall delinquency rate on their loans is a little over 2%, which is not too bad.  Read more

Kiva surpasses $100 million in loans raised!

November 1, 2009 · Posted in Commentary · Comment 

Kiva, the nonprofit microfinance organization, announced last Friday that they had surpassed $100 million in loans raised for entrepreneurs around the globe.  Read more

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